Legal Notices, Disclaimers and Terms of Use and Privacy


The Legal Notices, Disclaimers and Terms of Use and Privacy set forth on this page apply to all pages of this website.


Unless otherwise indicated, IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC reserves all intellectual property rights in this website including all rights in respect of trademarks, service marks and copyright in the materials, content and design of this website. You are authorized to view, store, print, reproduce, copy
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Website Disclaimer

IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC endeavors to comply with all known ethical and legal requirements in publishing material on this website. The
materials and information contained herein are for informational purposes only, and do not: a) constitute solicitation of legal business or provision of
legal opinions or legal advice; b) create an attorney-client relationship; or c) substitute for legal counsel.

Materials and information on this website are not guaranteed to be correct, complete and/or updated to reflect the latest legal developments. IngeNEWity
Legal Consultants, LLC expressly disclaims all liability in respect of actions taken or not taken based on any or all the contents of this website.

TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.  IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC is not liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, which may result
from the use of this website, to the fullest extent permissible by law and/or applicable rules of professional conduct.

This website is designed to provide general information only. The information provided is presented for informational purposes and should not be construed
to constitute legal advice nor is it intended to create an attorney-client relationship. Legal advice is necessarily fact dependent and therefore, prior results do
not predict, warrant or guarantee of a similar outcome with respect to any matter that IngeNEWity may be retained to handle.

IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC requires the execution of a written consulting agreement or engagement letter before any legal services are rendered.
Without limiting the foregoing, posting, receipt or transmission of information or materials to or from this website does not create an attorney-client relationship with IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC or ensure confidentiality or privileged treatment of that information.

Therefore, no confidential or privileged information should be sent to IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC, without your first requesting in writing to be represented by IngeNEWity and then receiving a signed writing from IngeNEWity accepting such representation. Absent such signed written exchange, your submission of  information cannot be assumed to be protected as privileged or confidential, as the act of sending electronic mail or facsimile to IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC, or a specific attorney, does not alone create an attorney-client relationship and IngeNEWity will neither accept requests for legal advice nor offer specific legal advice over the Internet without such a signed writing. Moreover, because of limitations in the security features of the Internet, information sent to/from this site may be intercepted by third parties, and you agree not to hold IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC responsible for any such interception.

By accessing this website, you agree that any disputes or matters arising out of or related to your viewing or use of this website, or communications made through this website, shall be governed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania without regard to its conflict of laws principles and the venue shall be in the courts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Sites listed on this website as hypertext links and/or companies referenced therein do not control and are not under the control of IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC. IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC makes no representation concerning the quality, safety or suitability of the content of these sites nor can the fact that IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC has mentioned or included any such link or company in the website serve as an endorsement, approval, recommendation or referral by IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC of any of those sites or services. Consequently, IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC cannot be responsible for and disclaims any and all liability for injury incurred as a result of any use of or reliance on material contained through the links and/or any action the third party website operators may take after you access their websites.

(NOTICE: Without in any manner waiving or limiting the foregoing, IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC hereby discloses that its President and General Counsel also serves as a Co-Founder, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Pharmidable Legal Advisors, LLC, a link for the website of which has been provided herein as a potential resource for companies in need of such services. For the avoidance of doubt, Pharmidable Legal Advisors, LLC, is a wholly separate legal and business entity and does not control nor is it under the control of IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC.  Moreover, Pharmidable Legal Advisors, LLC and its logo are trademarks and/or service marks of Pharmidable Legal Advisors, LLC).


IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC is committed to protecting your privacy. When you use this website, you consent to the use of your personal information by IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC in the manner specified in this Privacy Policy. This policy may change periodically. IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC will not collect any personal information from you unless you voluntarily choose to submit or otherwise disclose such information, including information submitted or disclosed by mail, telephone, fax or electronically. IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC will not sell, trade, or rent any of your personal information to third parties.

IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC may use any information provided by you or your browser for its own internal purposes, such as to track the popularity of this website and the usefulness of particular information or features contained in this website.

If you choose to register for or receive any mailings from IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC, you need to provide IngeNEWity with certain required information,
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IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC has no obligation to monitor the website or the use of the website, or to retain the content of any user session. However, IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC reserves the right at all times to monitor, review, retain and/or disclose any information, including IP addresses, as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or government request, or to cooperate with law enforcement and other authorities in investigating a claim of illegal activity.  IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC also may use IP addresses to identify a user when it reasonably believes it is necessary to protect the service, website, customers, or others.

Attorney Advertising

As noted above, Information found on this website and/or in any related or referenced site, including on individual and Company LinkedIn
® Profiles or in any communications or advertising related to any of the foregoing is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or legal opinion on specific facts or circumstances nor as a solicitation of legal business. Nevertheless, it is possible that information on this website might be considered to constitute advertising pursuant to rules of professional conduct of some jurisdictions.

The selection of an attorney is an important decision. Before making your choice of attorney, you should give the matter careful thought. If you have legal counsel and are considering IngeNEWity to supplement your resources, you should consider consulting with your counsel about whether IngeNEWity’s services may be beneficial to you. Please understand that you should never base a decision to retain the services of  any legal service provider, including IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC, solely upon the basis of this website or advertisements of any kind.

Moreover, if any information on this website and/or in any related or referenced site, including on individual and Company LinkedIn® Profiles or in any communications or advertising related to any of the foregoing is determined to be prohibited by law (including as an improper solicitation of legal business), then such information and any such solicitations (and any offers or representations contained therein) are hereby deemed null and void.

(Please note that LinkedIn® is a registered trademark of LinkedIn Corporation. IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC is not affiliated with and does not control nor is it controlled by LinkedIn Corporation. Upon information & belief, skill endorsements & recommendations like those set forth on the referenced LinkedIn® Profiles are not recognized by many applicable state bars as constituting certifications or specialties and therefore should not be considered in assessing whether to use Randy's or IngeNEWity's  services).

Any information contained on this website and/or in any related or referenced site, with respect to results obtained by IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC is not meant to indicate that the same or similar results can or will be obtained in other cases or situations. Prior results cannot and do not guarantee, warrant, or predict a similar outcome with respect to any matter that IngeNEWity may be retained to handle.   Results will vary depending on the facts and circumstances of each individual matter.

Images on this website may be those of actors depicting fictional people, scenes or places. Similarly, any images depicting courtrooms, governmental resources or insignias are not intended to suggest affiliation with such courts or government agencies, as IngeNEWity Legal Consultants, LLC is not affiliated with any court or government agency. References to past or present clients or the circumstances of their specific matters do not constitute testimonials or endorsements by such clients (unless so identified), nor are they ever a guaranty, warranty, or prediction of the outcome of your legal matter.

The content of this website and/or in any related or referenced site or communications, including on individual and Company LinkedIn
® Profiles has been provided for informational purposes only and is not intended or desired to mislead you in any way. If you, or as applicable, your counsel should have any questions or concerns or desire further information about subject matter discussed herein or therein, please advise us. If you feel anything in this website or such materials is inaccurate or misleading, you have the right to report your concerns to the applicable ethical or disciplinary entity within your state court or legal system. By way of example, the appropriate entity in Pennsylvania is as follows:

The Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
601 Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 5600
PO Box 62625
Harrisburg, PA 17106-2623
Phone: (717)-231-3380

No aspect of this website has been approved by the supreme court or other applicable authority of any state.

Limitations on Representation, including Issues, Admission and Conflicts of Interest

While IngeNEWity regularly offers advice and assistance in support of litigation, patent and regulatory matters, it is not currently staffed to represent you in court regarding your litigation matters, before the USPTO or the courts regarding your patent matters or before FDA or other governmental bodies regarding your regulatory submissions/matters and would need to work with your locally admitted litigation counsel, your patent counsel or regulatory counsel, as

Additionally, depending upon your location, legal needs and issues and/or your state's local rules of practice and/or professional conduct, IngeNEWity may
be limited from serving as your standalone external or contract internal counsel. As with any legal services provider, prior to undertaking any new clients, IngeNEWity will also need to assure that the proposed representation does not conflict with representation of its current clients.